Tagged: Forced disappearance

In international human rights law, a forced disappearance (or enforced disappearance) occurs when a person is secretly abducted or imprisoned by a state or political organization or by a third party with the authorization, support, or acquiescence of a state or political organization, followed by a refusal to acknowledge the person’s fate and whereabouts, with the intent of placing the victim outside the protection of the law.
According to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which came into force on 1 July 2002, when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed at any civilian population, a “forced disappearance” qualifies as a crime against humanity and, thus, is not subject to a statute of limitations.

Since one year, Michoacán disclaims from the triple disappearance in Paracho

Families of the three youths abducted a year ago in Michoacán, criticize the lack of results from investigations by the state authorities, saying that it has protected organized crime groups. JULY 22, 2013 Paris Martinez (@ paris_martinez) www.animalpolitico.com As Sunday came to a close in the town of Paracho, Michoacán,…

Youths’ belongings found – “taken” from hotel in Paracho

By: Agencia Esquema Morelia, Michoacan. 03/13/2013 The Movimiento Ciudadano youths’ belongings have been located. Several things they had brought with them to the Cantoya Balloon event, which took place last July 21st in Paracho, were located through a joint operation carried out by the federal and Purhépecha Plateau State. However,…

Worldwide clamor: Where are they?

Verónica Espinosa 01.01.2013 For over five months they have spread the news throughout Europe and Canada about the disappearance of Ana Belém Sánchez Mayorga, Luis Enrique Castañeda Nava Maldonado and his cousin Diego Castañeda. The members of the group “No Más Víctimas!” (No More Victims!) have pressured Michoacán authorities and…

Disappeared in Mexico; a crisis ignored

In Mexico, cases of missing and disappeared persons have reached crisis levels. During the administration of President Felipe Calderon, who assumed office in 2006, thousands of Mexicans have vanished without a trace and some families are trying to make sure the issue isn’t lost in the upcoming presidential transition. Shannon…

Relatives of kidnapped youths accuse the mayor in harbouring perpetrators

28.09.2012 Paris Martínez Relatives of three young persons those were abducted by an armed group on 22 July in Paracho, Michoacán, Mexico and still are missing, reported that there are significant contradictions between the version of events provided by municipal authorities and statements of witnesses of the abduction, which reveal…

Paracho Drug lords could have abducted the three MC activists

Mexico: Missing youths have not returned to Michoacán. PGJE officials refuse to assist their parents. Martin Equihua, correspondent Paracho, September 9. – “Jesus Padilla, commander of the State Attorney General, told us about eight days ago that the problem originated in the Santa Fe hotel bar, with “el Güero” and…

Michoacan, no man’s land or official transnational terrorism Lab?

by Mattia Pascal 11/08/2012 The ineptitude, corruption and neglect of the former Leonel Godoy Rangel (Democratic Revolutionary Party) (PRD) government that the current constitutional governor of Michoacan, Fausto Vallejo, inherited, are reflected every day in the Purepecha Meseta.