Tagged: Disappearances

Disappeared in Mexico; a crisis ignored

In Mexico, cases of missing and disappeared persons have reached crisis levels. During the administration of President Felipe Calderon, who assumed office in 2006, thousands of Mexicans have vanished without a trace and some families are trying to make sure the issue isn’t lost in the upcoming presidential transition. Shannon…

Ana, Luis and Diego: two months of uncertainty and impunity

Regeneración, 24 Sep, 2012 The young activists were abducted after having conducted a cultural workshop for children in the town Paracho, state Michoacán. Diego Castañeda Antonio Maldonado (26) and Luis Enrique Castañeda Nava (28), members Citizens Movement party, who were abducted inside a hotel in Paracho, Michoacán, along with his…

Independent Mexican journalist Ruy Salgado “El 5anto” is missing

Independent Mexican journalist and blogger Ruy Salgado “El 5anto”, the founder of www.el5antuario.org, has disappeared on 8 September 2012 after he stopped transmitting his online webcast. He was supposed to attend a protest in support of the former presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but never showed up.

Violence and threats against students

Mexico: # YoSoy132 activists report harassment Sara König in Mexico City Even after Enrique Peña Nieto won the presidential election in Mexico, the student movement #YoSoy132 continue their demonstrations against election fraud and big media corporations. But the protests have become more dangerous. More and more the activists are subjected…